Activity 1:Some games I checked out:
A pop-up game that's quite addictive! Requires good hand-eye coordination. The game's interface is pleasant looking to the eye, too.
Line Rider:
Ride the lines! This game is great! Draw lines on the screen and watch the little line rider dude fly around!
Blackjack (via Yahoo! Games):
I played some Blackjack and lost about $100 fantasy dollars. This games was fun, but a little slow loading.
Virtual worlds:
Finally, I was able to attend one of the gaming sessions which covered WoW and Second Life. The presenters did a great job of showing the group what these games are capable of. If I don't start to play these specific games, I am definitely going to play
a game soon, perhaps something like
Civilization IV. Thanks to all for getting me interested in gaming again!
Activity 2:
Games and virtual worlds are exciting! I think that they have the potential to increase a library's visibility within its community, and are also a good way to get people come to the library. Games and virtual worlds, if well-designed, can be great learning and educational tools because they involve things like reading, problem solving, coordination, and social interaction. I also think games and virtual worlds can be excellent ways for one to learn new technology skills (programming, Java, etc.) that can help in other work-related tasks.